Without Internet

Image courtesy:- Google (1st sept 2015) Ahmedabad got its mobile data connection back. A week without internet actually went of quite well. 1st day seemed boring... 2nd day felt as if days had become longer than the usual. 3rd day seemed like we had more time for "Real life". 4th day felt like we had now time for people who matter to us. 5th day was the day of Enlightenment we personally learnt a very important lesson which is time, which if given to people can make a lot of difference and can help in removing the negativity from relationships. Time has changed us. Our so called priority has also changed. Earlier it was people. Now its only I me myself...my Facebook...my twitter.. my instagram... what do i forward...to whom do i forward...what will a person think if i forward this..which virtual mode should i use...this boon of technology actually seems like the main cause of having relation only with people away from us not people next to us. Earlier family gathering w...