When Christmas Arrives...

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” - Norman Vincent Peale December is here already... The month that brings in the festive fervour, the one that spreads warmth and happiness, the one that makes you take a stock of the year gone by and the one that creates a hope in you to paint the new canvas with fresh and vibrant colours. And also because, HO...HO...HO it’s Merry Christmas. Celebrated across the world as the birthday of Jesus Christ, Christmas is best termed as the ‘Holiday season’ when families travel miles to be with each other. It is that time of year where we want to be surrounded by our near and dear ones and be taken over by childhood festive nostalgia. Though it is a Christian festival, in India, Christmas celebration has entered many a urban household regardless of the religion. Christmas is synonymous with Santa clause, Christmas songs, plum cakes and gifts besides the decorative pine trees...