
Add caption I saw her the first time in 4th grade. She was praying but it felt as if my prayers have been answered. I had not noticed her before. I realised she was new in class. A transfer case. Every day when everybody was enjoying recess time, she used to be in class praying. One day I gathered courage and brought her a samosa of Rs 5, for me, it was the best utilization of my pocket money. She nodded and smiled and said: thank you but I have kept Roza. I asked her name, she said Rehmat and at that moment the world stopped. I could hear music in my ears. Her name seemed like the best name I had ever heard. The only name in my mind was hers. The only address I knew other than mine was hers. The only landline number I knew was hers. The only thought was her. Rehmat. Rehmat. Rehmat. That's all that I could think off. Being a Hindu, I hardly knew about the holy season of Ramadan so I made friends who followed Islam. I decided to keep Roza. I eve...