Leaf of Memory

Picture Courtesy: Siddhi Gheewala One leaf for every memory you said giving me the first leaf. Amazed at how different you were. I always wondered how other couples gave flowers and chocolates to each other but we never did. Honestly, that never bothered me. While others joined the rat race there we were together in a box house, sharing hugs and kisses. Do you remember how we used to bid goodbyes to the sunrises and sunsets and how sipping our black coffees made our day better? Do you remember how we lived only to embrace nature? I miss those times that we spent running behind waves of our laughter and smiles. Oh, do you also remember how caring for our horses and goats made our days better? I remember asking you, why did you choose to give me a leaf, what you said next is something I can never forget. You said leaf because it resembles life, and you are my life. You said leaf because it doesn’t have the burden of expectation that it has to bloom. Leaf because it lives even ...