Lasting Regret

Finally Colombo. I said, taking a breath of relief. It took me 6 months to convince myself that I had to solve things with Roger. Roger and I met in Pondicherry in 2012, since then we have been together. We were happy. We worked in the same organization but in different departments. For instance, I was in the product development department and he was in mergers and acquisition. Our day started with hugs, kisses and black coffee and ended in cuddling with each other and sharing the day's story. Just then when everything was going good, in April 2018, Roger got promoted and had to relocate to Sri Lanka for the biggest assignment of his life. He was very excited. I was a bit sceptical as to where would this distance take our relationship but I maintained my calm as I knew it meant a lot to him. Endless phone calls, few video calls and a simple message of I love you and I miss you, helped us to pull it off for the first 7 months. Then he got busy and I started gett...