The Lost Humanity!!

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The deadly night of 16th DEC of Delhi Gang Rape has not not been able to wake us up?? We were just trying to get away from that incident suddenly we hear about this 6 year old girl child raped in Ahmedabad. Again an inhuman behavior, I mean when and what is enough??? What did this young girl do to provoke??? Neither did wear skimpy clothes nor revealing ones, neither provoking ones nor seducing ones then why was she raped??? This small little girl doesn't want a title of Nirbhaya II, what she needs is Justice. I mean I am definitely not asking for anybody to come out of their homes and light candle. Because it is useless. I am upset and I am astonished at the authorities what the hell are they doing about this massive problem???At one side they say they are working on the measures at the other hand they leave the culprit of a rape victim on roads. For God's sake, they are the rapist not therapist that the court has granted a bail,  and on top of that some idiotic lawyer more than pleased to give a crap interview to the world. #ML Sharma, I am sure you must be having a disgusting little justification for this Rape as well. These stupid incidence are the root cause of rapes. People have it in their mind that they can get away from all this. Man!! Real meaning of justice has vanished. Gosh! What is with the world??? When will justice be fair? I really cant understand where has humanity vanished ??? There is a famous proverb in Hindi "LAATO KE BHOOT BAATO SE NAHI MAANTE". Well, that's what is exactly supposed to be do. These people need to know their limit, they should be chopped of their reproductive organ or  should be killed after a lot of torturing, why should the victim only understand the pain? I strongly feel if this continues to be like this, many Phoolan Devi's will be born to fight for women's justice and then my friends none of the punishment shall be waited for nor shall justice will be waited for, Justice will be given as soon as the crime is committed.
#upset #CryForHumanity #anger #hatred #BoilingBlood #killings #rape #KillRapist.


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