Letter to Our Ex Prime Minister
Below is a Letter i wrote to our ex prime minister in 2013, to which i have not received an answer yet!!
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From: pooja pariath <poojapariath@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:44 PM
Subject: High time you give glance on these issues raised By AAM AADMI
To: manmohan@sansad.nic.in
From: pooja pariath <poojapariath@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:44 PM
Subject: High time you give glance on these issues raised By AAM AADMI
To: manmohan@sansad.nic.in
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
I am not even sure if you would actually receive my letter or read it and react on it But with a hope of having a Peaceful atmosphere i am forced to write this letter to you .This letter is in the context of the trouble created by the Rape cases of 23rd Aug 2013 & 16 December 2012 &
serial blasts at Mumbai on 13th July 2011 , I write to you with concern and deep sense of hurt. I seriously want to ask you, “How much is enough?Those 21 dead in Mumbai didnt wake us up nor is the 200 injured going to? so when are we actually going to wake up? Can we ever do anything more than merely condemning the attacks and calling for peace and calm? It is high time we realize terrorism is an important issue, which the government can no longer give step motherly treatment. After the attacks what we get is condolences? But can condolence lessen our pain of loosing people especially our loved one?Till when is AAM AADMI" supposed to be quite and calm? The authorities are safe with securities all around them, But where does the AAM AADMI come when safety is concerned.If this was not all women are being chased be it in terms of Eve teasing or rape. When and how will this come to an end? The Horrendous rape case in Delhi has not only shaken the confidence of working women,But also the trust the women had in the male of her life. Women had just tried over coming the fear they had about leaving their homes for work. And again we heard a rape case which happened in Mumbai. You know by not taking a serious action and in an appropriate time we are just inviting more troubles in near future.
I am not even sure if you would actually receive my letter or read it and react on it But with a hope of having a Peaceful atmosphere i am forced to write this letter to you .This letter is in the context of the trouble created by the Rape cases of 23rd Aug 2013 & 16 December 2012 &
serial blasts at Mumbai on 13th July 2011 , I write to you with concern and deep sense of hurt. I seriously want to ask you, “How much is enough?Those 21 dead in Mumbai didnt wake us up nor is the 200 injured going to? so when are we actually going to wake up? Can we ever do anything more than merely condemning the attacks and calling for peace and calm? It is high time we realize terrorism is an important issue, which the government can no longer give step motherly treatment. After the attacks what we get is condolences? But can condolence lessen our pain of loosing people especially our loved one?Till when is AAM AADMI" supposed to be quite and calm? The authorities are safe with securities all around them, But where does the AAM AADMI come when safety is concerned.If this was not all women are being chased be it in terms of Eve teasing or rape. When and how will this come to an end? The Horrendous rape case in Delhi has not only shaken the confidence of working women,But also the trust the women had in the male of her life. Women had just tried over coming the fear they had about leaving their homes for work. And again we heard a rape case which happened in Mumbai. You know by not taking a serious action and in an appropriate time we are just inviting more troubles in near future.
I would like to bring to your notice that first of all we Live in a place where people curse themselves if they have a girl child. Out of those very many people when few show the courage and love to deliver and support the girl child incidence, like this happens which makes a person re-think about delivering a girl child.. My basic point in saying this is women are not safe in the womb of the mother nor outside the womb.
" Raping in India is being considered so normal now that people can't even react to it anymore with horror. Shame on the men of the country.
Just because someone wears Micro skirts, Skimpy tops and stilletos, doesn't mean that person is a deserving candidate to be raped, the person who thinks this are deserving candidate to have theirs chopped off if they cant keep it in their Pants."
Rules should be so strict that a male should not even have the guts to look at any women with a bad intention.( Above said was said Abiding the right of speech nothing personal do i have to say nor am i saying to insult you, its a sheer aggression)
With due respect i want to tell you that every time some one kills our people , you say to be calm, every time some one loots our land you say we are there to root out corruption. How can you make us calm for every thing just by a QUEUE of assurances which comes in the order and leaves from the box because your number of promises makes it full. If you really want to help yourself and all Indians then help us to make a better law for corruption, Terrorism & Rapism. Hope you can utilize your power for one day without being afraid of your corrupt colleagues. We Youth will support you for whatever changes you want to make in our country provided we would like to have results.
There is a talk about modernizing the security forces to enable them to handle terrorism better, but if anything has improved in our security apparatus it is their slothfulness, their apathy. Every time, these blasts occur the most they can do is postulate who could have carried out these attacks and are left high and dry of any actionable leads within a couple of days of the act. When is this going to change? The Nation deserves an answer. Enough is Enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will b one more Hiroshima. We the people are left with only one Mantra. "Womb to Bomb to Tomb." Sir You promised Mumbaikar shanghai but what we are getting is Jalianwala Baug
If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side politician has converted nectar into deadly poison.I am everything Hindu, Muslim, christian, schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC, christian schedule caste, creamy schedule caste only what im not is an Indian. The Politicians have raped every part of Mother India by the Britishers Divide and rule Policy.And then people say we are a secular country. Why are we as nation attacked always? America was attacked once 9/11 and then what they said was we want revenge. I believe that was the only attack which happened in America. But if we look into the past chapters of life in India, The attacks have been many. Is it because we dont take these attacks seriously? Its high time we react and let the whole world know that We had enough now no more will we take. The world should think hundred times before attacking us. I am not saying Government doesn't do anything. But What i am meaning is"We need to be Proactive Rather than Reactive."
There is a talk about modernizing the security forces to enable them to handle terrorism better, but if anything has improved in our security apparatus it is their slothfulness, their apathy. Every time, these blasts occur the most they can do is postulate who could have carried out these attacks and are left high and dry of any actionable leads within a couple of days of the act. When is this going to change? The Nation deserves an answer. Enough is Enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will b one more Hiroshima. We the people are left with only one Mantra. "Womb to Bomb to Tomb." Sir You promised Mumbaikar shanghai but what we are getting is Jalianwala Baug
If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side politician has converted nectar into deadly poison.I am everything Hindu, Muslim, christian, schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC, christian schedule caste, creamy schedule caste only what im not is an Indian. The Politicians have raped every part of Mother India by the Britishers Divide and rule Policy.And then people say we are a secular country. Why are we as nation attacked always? America was attacked once 9/11 and then what they said was we want revenge. I believe that was the only attack which happened in America. But if we look into the past chapters of life in India, The attacks have been many. Is it because we dont take these attacks seriously? Its high time we react and let the whole world know that We had enough now no more will we take. The world should think hundred times before attacking us. I am not saying Government doesn't do anything. But What i am meaning is"We need to be Proactive Rather than Reactive."
A word of response shall highly be appreciated.
Pooja Pariath
Well totally agree...