
Her mature hands when touched my tender hands, gave me the feeling of security...
Her forefingure was the touch that helped me to walk..
She helped me in dictation...
When i asked where my Jose Mama (Lt) was...she taught me to have faith...
She taught me how to hold on to the relations
She taught me what unconditional  love is...when my grandfather came home sloushed in Alcohol
She taught me how to not demand in any relationship
She taught to have patience...
I still remember her cheerful face the moment she saw my sight
Today she lies in the intensive critical care unit...
Rooms background is white
She has a white blanket over her.
All she does is looks at me with a blank face...
There is no smile on her face now..
Infact she doesn't  even recognize me...
The moment she looked at me a series  of  flashback  started in my mind of the moments spent together..
All she does looks at me as if im new..
As if she doesnt remember  all the moments i spent with her...
I want to hug her kiss her and say Ammama i am home...but something is different  now.


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