Time Machine

Image courtesy: Google

Me: Hey time machine, take me to the time where looking into the eye to express love wasn’t overrated. Where holding hands in public meant commitment.
Where lovers would prefer dying in each other's arm than disrespecting. Where flowers bloomed without the need of being appreciated. Where water could choose it’s own direction without the boundaries to guide her. Where words like sorry and thank you meant mending a relationship.  Where birthday with friends meant dancing, cracking lame jokes playing an antakshari. Where planning and plotting were only in daily soaps. Where grudges, distrust and malice never gained entrance. Where letters and nature were cherished. Most of all a place Where nature heard it’s human.
Because I think I time travelled to a different place altogether. I don’t want to be here. I don’t like this place.

Here people are weird.
They choose Sex over the conversation
Sext over text
Whatsapp over phone calls
Hookup over date
Drinks over games
Drugs over friendship
Verbal abuse over understanding perspective
Pretending to be happy over actually being happy
Giving up over mending the relationship
Plastic over raw
Infidelity over fidelity
Temporary over permanent
Destroy over protect

Please, please  I beg of you please take me to the land of love and pain and all sorts of emotions. Take me back where lilies could sort anger and hugs were free of cost. Where smile and a scoop of ice cream could do its magic. Where only love resides and hate doesn’t exist.

Time machine: Loading... Loading
404 not found.

The above-mentioned place doesn’t exist anymore. Neither the era nor the emotions nor the people, none of them, none of that exists any more. 


  1. Awesome. But I found the place of love from humans n dogs.

  2. True. Hence this rare breed of people in agreement to above thoughts prefer to stay alone by choice rather while populist belief sees them forced into loneliness which is certainly not the case...


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